How to Soften Laundry Without Fabric Softener: Proven Tips

laundry washing

Most people add fabric softener to their laundry because they don't want their clothes to stay hard. Although fabric softener is still the biggest favourite, there are other methods you can use to make your laundry feel soft to the touch without using it.


Why Does Laundry Harden After Washing?

The hardness of laundry can be caused by:

  • Hard water containing minerals (calcium, magnesium) – these settle on fabrics,
  • Using the wrong detergent, which may leave chemical residues on clothing,
  • Insufficient rinsing, causing detergent residues to remain in the fabrics,
  • Washing in water that is too hot, which can cause fabrics to shrink and harden.


Learn more in our article: Why is laundry hard after washing?


Tips on How to Soften Laundry Without Fabric Softener

  1. Use White Vinegar: Add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the washing machine. This helps remove detergent residues and mineral deposits, leaving your laundry soft and smooth again.
  2. Baking Soda: Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash. It helps neutralise the water’s pH and supports the natural softness of fabrics.
  3. Washing at Lower Temperatures: Wash your laundry in cold or lukewarm water (max. 30–40 °C) to help maintain fabric softness and prevent it from hardening.
  4. Turning Clothes Inside Out: Turn your clothes inside out before washing to minimise fibre wear and tear.
  5. Increase Rinsing: If you have hard water, set your washing machine to an extra rinse cycle to remove all detergent residues.
  6. Air Drying: Whenever possible, dry your clothes in fresh air or sunlight, as this can help soften the fibres.
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