
Step into our world of beauty! Explore our fabulous cosmetic collection and immerse yourself in the luxury and pampering of our creams and bath foams.

Choose from a wide array of products that transform your self-care routine into a blissful ritual. Elevate your senses, embrace relaxation, and give your body the care it truly deserves!



Puella Perfume Frayo, 50 ml PARFUME-50-FR
Puella Perfume Double Y, 50 ml PARFUME-50-DY
Puella Perfume Queenka, 50 ml PARFUME-50-Q
Puella Perfume JaLu, 50 ml PARFUME-50-JL
Puella Perfume First Dream, 50 ml PARFUME-50-FD
Puella Perfume EmiJa, 50 ml PARFUME-50-EM
Puella Bath Foam BATH_FD
8 items total
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